
Pro- Pro Power Wheel Cleaner Concentrate- C-24

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SKU: C-24
Regular price $33.97

5 and 55 Gallon variants cannot be shipped, available for local pick-up or delivery only.

Powerful, concentrated (10:1) acid base wheel cleaner designed to deep clean and brighten wire wheels, chrome, metal and stainless steel surfaces. Formulated for the fast and effective removal of surface rust, brake dust, corrosion, dirt and dulling road film without scrubbing. Simply spray on and rinse off.

Features & Benefits: Cleans & Brightens Wire Wheels, Chrome, Metal and Stainless Steel Surfaces
Removes Surface Rust, Brake Dust, Corrosion, Dirt & Road Grime
Spray On, Rinse Off Formula - Leaves No Residue

Application: Shake well before using. Read label before use. See SDS for more information.
If wheels are hot, cool wheels with cold water rinse before applying product. Dilute as indicated. May be diluted up
to 10:1 with water.
Wheel Cleaning: Dilute up to 10:1 with water for normal wheel cleaning applications.
HD Wheel Cleaning: Dilute up to 4:1 with water for heavy duty wheel cleaning applications. Clean one wheel
at a time. Apply using a pistol sprayer or a tank sprayer. Spray on surface and let sit for 30 seconds. Light agitation
with brush may be necessary on excessively dirty wheels. Rinse clean with high pressure water. Leaves a clean and
bright finish. Wipe dry with clean towel or blow dry with air hose.

Helpful Tips: Keep from freezing (32 ºF/0 ºC). Do not let dry on surface. Spray on using a drenching effect rather than a
fine spray. Do not use on wheel finishes such as non-coated, polished or anodized aluminum or magnesium. Always
consult wheel manufacturer for care of wheels before using this product, as staining may occur. Avoid contact with
painted finish, glass or painted/chrome plated plastic surfaces as frosting or etching may occur